For 10 years, Jai embraced a childhood of adventure as a "sea gypsy," living aboard a boat with his family. At the tender age of 18, he embarked on a globetrotting journey, traversing the landscapes of Brazil, Africa, Mongolia, Indonesia, Europe, and various parts of South America. At 23, he returned to Australia, carrying with him a wealth of experiences. Setting his roots in Port Douglas, he courageously opened his first gallery. However, fate intervened when Cyclone Yasi struck in 2011, leading Jai to interpret it as a sign and make his way down to the enchanting Byron Bay.

Jai's artistic creations are an exuberant celebration of mixed mediums. Drawing inspiration from his worldly adventures, his artworks burst forth with vibrant colours, enriched by layers of print and pattern. The sea and forest, exotic creatures, bold motifs, religious iconography, and evocative female forms, ranging from Polynesian beauties to ocean sirens, ignite his creative vision.

If you're seeking a specific Jai print that isn't currently on our website, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Usually, we can source the artwork for you or help find the perfect piece to complement your artistic vision!